Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dorset: the movie location

My holiday recently was wonderful. Such a gorgeous Autumn week weatherwise, crisp and dewy in the morning and warm and still in the afternoon. It made walking around and seeing the sights such a pleasure.

We started near Bath in the loveliest little country hotel, moved on to Dorset and finished on the south coast at Weymouth at a very trendy style B&B or B+B in their case. Wall to wall Ikea, literally.

On the way we must have seen so many film locations it was incredible. Some of them were closed to the public, at this time of the year it is taking a chance to go along to them without checking first. Chettle House was one of them, Dyrham House another, though we did walk around the deer park there. It was used in Remains of the Day. We happened upon Milton Abbas, a model village with an amazing history, all related to this place Milton Abbey which is now a school. Worth reading the history of this place.

This was one of my favourite Dorset locations though, Athelhampton House where they are shooting From Time to Time directed by Julian Fellowes. I'm keen to go have dinner there sometime. The gardens look amazing.

It has all spurred me on a little to get something together for this competition sponsored by Alfonso Cuaron. It sounds like a challenge and I only have short time, so it will be quite raw, but I'm keen. I'll keep you posted.

Fadin' out...