Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cannes time

I'm heading out to Cannes as part of the Short Film Corner and taking some footage from my unfinished short film, Stripping Victor, to show to anyone who will watch. It is new territory for me as I usually go as a journalist and I'm looking forward to learning a lot.

I'm expecting less of a splash than the last blockbuster festival back in 2006 though Tarantino and Brad will be there, well not that any of us will be mixing with them. In 2006, a big Da Vinci Code marketing machine moved in but the recent cash constraints are likely to make the huge events a bit thin on the ground this year. Cannes is still such a magical celebration of film though and I seriously want to see Looking for Eric with Mr Cantona himself. Wow, will that one cause a stir on La Croisette. The last time I saw a French football star appear in person out there, it was mayhem.

I'll keep posting my experiences. I think this year will be fun.

Fadin' out