Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Enough doom and gloom

Banks, insurance companies, financial this, going bust that. I'm bored with it. Let's cheer up...

Well, don't see The Women, that will just annoy you. Taken might be cool, out next week, Liam Neeson as a stone-cold killer. Then there is Robert and Al together again in Righteous Kill, hmmm, we'll see. I liked The Chaser, Korean new wave at its best. Total escapism, in the film and in the audience, and great performances. Await the Hollywood remake, which hopefully will do it justice.

Okay, more Colorado snaps. This is the view from the American Eagles site I told you about. Now I wonder when those miners came back up with handfuls of gold and saw this site, they ever thought gold's price could reach the $1,000 an ounce it did this year. I'd love to know what they sold it for, 'cause $1,000 would probably have bought a huge piece of Colorado back then. I look at the pics of the mines though and it does remind me of There Will Be Blood. Now I know that's a different commodity, but there just seemed to be a drive to physically find both of them back then. Now, they seem to be a today price or a future price to be gambled on.

And that brings me to ...

I am going to make a short film with the footage of the Colorado trip. A comparison of the mining back then and the strip mining now. Basically, a little short documentary, taking no sides, 'cause I am sure that if, back then, they had the equipment we have now, they would not have needed, nor wanted, that blacksmith's shop at the top of a damn mountain! Btw, I climbed up that easy slope, from the carpark, not so easy, and I bet it was hard for those horses laden with gold. Well at least the load was only downhill. They must have dreaded the return trip, to start all over again.

Fadin' out...

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