Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I've been away so long...

where can I start.

Three years eh. OK, quick synopsis, left job, no leaving present, great leaving do, lunched for a year, work was minimal, met lovely guy, walked more, travelled a bit, freelance now. Wow, three years goes fast.

I am so happy at the mo. Just had a freelance job kinda confirmed for the forseeable and that is great. I am dithering with my fiction writing, don't know why, maybe it's still too raw.

Anyway, in the meantime, here are some pics of one of my travels this year.

I fell in love with Colorado, I know, how weird is that. Small place Colorado Springs considering how big the state is, but oh my, how beautiful is that scenery.

Did you know you can drive up Pike's Peak, well in a four-wheel, even in a snow storm in March. I whined about my headache only to look online to find it was a symptom of altitude sickness. How was I supposed to know, it was only 11,000ft :-0
I love the advice online tho, if you have altitude sickness the best cure is....to come back down, yup, that easy.

My favourite thing in Colorado tho, and my little mission, was to find Ghost Towns. They seem so Hollywood and detached on the screen, but when we got to Victor, an old gold-rush town where strip mining is now the deal, and found it literally closing down, it was really sad. Reality sad.

However, a drive up the mountain next door and there it was, the American Eagles protected site. An old mineshaft, blacksmiths shop and the amazing view over to Pike's Peak. These guys might have mined but they had respect for the land. I'm not sure that is quite the case now.

Cripple Creek just up the way from Victor is thriving on gambling, hey gold miners and gambling must have gotten along like Laurel and Hardy in all their best movies. We did drive the shelf road all the way out of there tho. I recommend that. I hate heights but wow. Those guys were determined to get that gold out of there and not be ambushed: sheer cliff one side, sheer drop the other, no room for bandits.

I'm thinking of making a short film about the whole experience. Mebbe...

Fadin' out

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