Friday, September 19, 2008

Open hair day

I had my hair done today, now I know that might seem boring to you but it has been five months with my grey roots coming in, yes Madonna gets those died dark, and I feel I can earn enough now to cover the cost. Those were the two important considerations. I go here la Kutt Zone. It's not just a salon, it's a great experience.

Anyway this weekend is open house weekend so I get to go nosey around in architects' lovely houses, the ones that I would never see unless I were invited to dinner, which is not likely to happen any time soon. Check out Open House London to find some venues you might want to have a look at.

I do wonder at the Bank of England still being on the list though, with all that has happened this week. Do they really want irate investors and customers in the building? Annoyed mortgage payers may take up residence, if foreclosure on their own property is an option. The Bank building may be a bit hard to heat though, but the echo when you sing in the shower would be good.

Fadin' out...

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